A big dilemma with many masculine men and gentlemen is whether to kiss, or hug after that first date. You don’t want to come off as too forward, but you definitely want to let her know that you are interested. If the chemistry is right, a nice kiss at the end of the date is a welcome surprise and the perfect way to end a wonderful evening.
Before the Date
Because the potential of a first kiss lingers in the air once you make those first date plans, you want to be prepared just in case. Of course you’d want to look presentable for your lady, but pay special attention to your face – well in advance. She might think that stubble looks rugged, but she probably wouldn’t want to kiss sandpaper! So it’s a good idea to make sure that you’re clean shaven on date night, or otherwise nicely groomed for her on the approach.
But more than that, your face has to look “inviting”. So unless your pedigree includes “Canine Shar-Pei”, you don’t want to take the chance that she’ll find sagging skin and a wrinkly face attractive.
A good place to start is by following the proper masculine men’s anti-aging face care routine. The first step is cleaning your face properly with a high quality cleaner to get rid of those dead cells, so that your skin isn’t dull looking and rough to the touch. Avoid soaps and common cleansers formulated with sulfates, because that stuff has no anti-aging benefits, dries the skin and doesn’t get rid of the gunk and junk on the masculine face – they’re there, even if you can’t see them with the naked eye. What you need is a quality masculine face care cleaner that is gentle enough to bring out the masculine skin’s natural moisture, but powerful enough to unclog pores and cut through the grime. In short, you need cleaner built for masculine men.
The second step is to feed your face with a super cocktail of botanical nutrients and anti-aging ingredients. The treatment is like an energy drink for your skin. Treatment minimizes fine lines and wrinkles by helping to restore the masculine skin’s natural balance, rebuild collagen and elasticity, repair past damage, and strengthen against further assaults by free radicals and the environment. Remember: shaving strips away the masculine skin’s natural moisture barrier, leaving it dry and exposed to damage and premature aging. However, with the advance masculine anti-aging face care treatment, you start to undo this damage and keep the signs of premature aging at bay.
The third and last step is protecting your face. The right protectant picks up where the treatment leaves off. It helps to strengthen the masculine skin’s inner structure, while sealing in moisture. A high performance masculine anti-aging face care protectant balances high-tech cutting edge anti-aging active ingredients with essential oils from super fruits with collateral properties. It also helps the masculine skin feel refreshed and nourished. This is especially important when you’re exposing your skin to temperature fluctuations – such as outside heat to air conditioning in the summer, or outside cold to inside heat in the winter. These fluctuations cause dryness, itching, flaking and premature aging and the last thing you want is for your masculine face to get dry, itchy and flaky while you and your date are experiencing that first fancy meal together. OK – now that you LOOK good and FEEL good about yourself, let’s get back to that first date.
Test the Waters
You can really tell how interested a woman is in you, just by looking for some tell-tale signs and paying attention to her body language. In general, if she laughs a lot, leans in closer to you and finds excuses to touch you, things are looking good, really good. And you can be a little affectionate, too, to test the waters to see if the evening is right for that first kiss.
Now, there is a fine line between being a masculine man (i.e. a gentleman) and a creep, and the tide turns quickly, so you want to be extra careful here, because the last thing you want to do is make her uncomfortable. There are some baby steps that you can follow. A nice way beautypwr.se to show affection without being forceful or creepy is a brief, warm hand squeeze – after you have finished your meal, reach across the table and take her hand just for a moment. Tell her that you had a great time and that you really appreciate her company.
Another good test is to gently put a hand in the center of her back as you lead her out of the restaurant – does she stay with your pace and look comfortable – you know, kind of “lean” into you, or does she pull away? Here’s another test that works really well at night – when the neighborhood and the weather are right, suggest a leisurely stroll of the area before taking her home. Does she happily accept? Or mumble something about being a little tired, or having to call it a night, because she needs to be up early to pick-up Aunt Mildred from the airport.
Now gentlemen, if she said yes, there’s a good chance that either she really likes you already, or she’s not sure, but wants another shot to make up her mind. So here are a couple more ideas, but you’ve really got to pay attention to her body language. As the two of you are strolling along, look for an opportunity to casually put your arm around her waist. The key here is “casually”, maybe there’s a speeding car or a bike that tries to make a tight corner where you and your date are waiting to cross the street.
Or maybe you noticed that she was walking into a sidewalk ventilation grill and you wanted to make sure that she doesn’t get her stiletto heels caught in one of those. That has happened to many fashionable ladies and destroyed countless pairs of beloved Manolo Blahnik’s and Jimmy Choo’s, that if you truly saved her from one of those, she might be so grateful, she’d plant a kiss on you right there! Remember, any physical contact you initiate should be casual, subtle and sincere. Oh, a caveat before we continue. Never, EVER, put your hand anywhere near her shapely rear bumpers. Don’t even think that you can accidentally brush your hand against them without her knowing AND reacting to it. That’s about the quickest way to go from “possibly the best first date ever” to “date with the biggest creep – ever”. Remember – you can look, but don’t touch.